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Manned Guarding


​Leopard Security can cater to the security needs of its clients, whether they have an environment that has regular incidents of vandalism, violence towards staff, or a construction site requiring security guards.


We can provide wide ranging security services including manned guarding to warehouses, car parks, construction and renovation sites, offices, estates, etc.


    Security Receptionists


Our well trained security officers not only perform general reception tasks such as sorting and franking of mail, attending telephone calls etc, but also


  • focus on the security of the building and keep an eye on things like fire and other security hazards


  • They also provide first aid in case of injuries, form part of evacuation teams and much more.

               Key Holding


We offer Commercial and Residential Clients an economically viable and efficient Key-holding Service.


  • We act as your main Key-holder (Day/Night time, Weekends and Bank Holidays) 24/7, 365 days


  • We keep all keys in a security safe to which only authorized security personnel have access.


  • Our Key Holding service will prevent any unnecessary break-ins by the emergency services.

Contact   02037123096
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